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Collins Practice Tests for IELTS 3

Tác giả: Louis Harrison, Rhona Snelling, Peter Travis
Nhà xuất bản Tổng Hợp TP.HCM
Số trang: 192
Đơn giá: 228 000 VND
205 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 23 000 VND

Prepare yourself for the IELTS exam using Collins Practice Tests for IELTS 3

Collins Practice Tests for IELTS 3 is designed to familiarise students with the level and format of the IELTS exam.

By using this book, you will:

- Feel completely confident about how the IELTS exam works

- Know what to expect on the day of the exam

- Improve your score through realistic practice

All you need for your ideal IELTS score:

- Four complete Academic IELTS tests

- PLUS Two complete General Reading and Writing papers

- A clear guide to how the IELTS exam works

- A section on exam skills and strategies

- Audio provided online for the Speaking and Listening papers

- Answer key + model answers for the Speaking and Writing papers included in the book

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