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Oxford English Grammar Course - Basic (kèm CD)

Tác giả: Michael Swan & Catherine Walter
Nhà xuất bản Oxford University Press
Số trang: 348
Đơn giá: 293 000 VND
278 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 15 000 VND

Key features:

- Short, clear grammar explanations are easy to remember

- Real examples show how the grammar works in practice

- Engaging practice activities including Internet exercises, Grammar in a text and Grammar and vocabulary

- Colour illustrations and cartoons put grammar in context

- Exercises are organized into two levels of difficulty (Basic and Intermediate only)

- 'Pronunciation for grammar' CD-ROM practises rhythm, stress and intonation

- Free downloadable lesson-by-lesson Teacher's Guide for each level, with suggestions for hundreds of additional communicative and out-of-class activities