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Cambridge B1 Preliminary for Schools 1 - For the revised 2020 exam (kèm code online)

Nhiều tác giả
Nhà xuất bản Cambridge University Press
Số trang: 160
Đơn giá: 226 000 VND
215 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 11 000 VND

Authentic examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English provide perfect practice because they are EXACTLY like the real exam.

Inside each book you’ll find four authentic B1 Preliminary for Schools examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. All our authentic practice tests go through the same process as the B1 Preliminary for Schools exam. We check every single part of our practice tests with real students under exam conditions, to make sure we give you the most authentic experience possible.

Key features

- Contains four complete exam papers for the 2020 revised B1 Preliminary for Schools from Cambridge Assessment English making this the most authentic practice material available.

- The tests, plus a summary of the B1 Prelimimary for Schools exam ensures that students and teachers have a thorough understanding of what is involved in the exam and what to expect on exam day.

- With answers edition includes a comprehensive answer key, transcripts, sample writing answers, audio for the listening material, scripts for the Speaking test and sample answer sheets.