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Prepare A1 - Level 1 - Second edition - Student's book
Tác giả: Joanna Kosta & Melanie Williams
Nhà xuất bản Cambridge University Press
Số trang: 160
Nhà xuất bản Cambridge University Press
Số trang: 160
Đơn giá:
248 000 VND
236 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 12 000 VND
236 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 12 000 VND
Prepare - Second edition prepares students for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools exam.
Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes and resources relevant to their interests. The new Life Skills approach inspires learners to expand their horizons and knowledge and includes insights from The Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies.
Teachers can relax knowing every unit drives students towards exam success and that the course is creating confident English users with the enhanced vocabulary and grammar syllabus.
A Student's Book and Online Workbook is also available, separately.