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Cambridge English Qualifications – A2 Flyers (For the 2018 revised examination) (kèm CD)
Tác giả: Anna Osborn
Nhà xuất bản Tổng Hợp
Số trang: 116
Nhà xuất bản Tổng Hợp
Số trang: 116
Đơn giá:
178 000 VND
160 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 18 000 VND
160 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 18 000 VND
Get your child off to a great start with practice test material for Cambridge English Qualifications A2 Flyers
These new practice test materials for Cambridge English: Flyers (also known as Young Learners English: Flyers) support young learners and include comprehensive guidance for both teachers and parents. By working through the practice tests, children will feel ready for what they need to do on the day of the test, and will also have fun whilst they are learning.
The package includes
- 3 full practice tests with a colourful and clear design to motivate and encourage young learners, and prepare them for what they will see in the real test
- Content fully updated for the 2018 revised examination
- Audio available online with recordings by young native English speakers