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i-Start (For revised Starters exam from 2018) (kèm CD)

Tác giả: Andrew Betsis & Lawrence Mamas
Nhà xuất bản Tổng Hợp
Số trang: 108
Đơn giá: 178 000 VND
160 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 18 000 VND

Reading, Grammar & Vocabulary fun activities for the Cambridge English Qualifications: Pre-A1 Starters exam and 2 complete Practice Tests

Key Features

  • 15 lessons with Vocabulary and Grammar exercises that help students practise using the language.
  • 5 units on various topics with Reading comprehension and FUN Vocabulary exercises.
  • 2 complete Practice Tests for ideal preparation for the Cambridge English Qualifications: Pre-A1 Starters exam.

For the revised exam from 2018