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Grammar Friends 4 - Student's Book
Tác giả: Eileen Flannigan
Nhà xuất bản Oxford University Press
Số trang: 80
Nhà xuất bản Oxford University Press
Số trang: 80
Đơn giá:
136 000 VND
129 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 7 000 VND
129 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 7 000 VND
The step-by-step grammar presentations in Grammar Friends introduce form, use and meaning in a way that even young beginner learners can understand and remember. The series was written to support the syllabus of Family and Friends but is an ideal supplement to any elementary general English course. There are lots of controlled activities to help children improve their written grammar and the fun interactive activities on the CD-ROM really encourage them to learn by themselves.