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IELTS 5 Practice Tests - General Set 2
Tác giả: Simone Braverman & Robert Nicholson
Nhà xuất bản Đà Nẵng
Số trang: 200
Nhà xuất bản Đà Nẵng
Số trang: 200
Đơn giá:
99 000 VND
79 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 20 000 VND
79 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 20 000 VND
General Set 2 from ‘HIGH SCORER’S CHOICE’ series contains 5 full length IELTS practice tests (no. 6-10) and is a must-have study tool to achieve a high band score in IELTS. These tests feel as authentic as the real IELTS papers, and doing them at home is a great way to estimate your real IELTS score.
Being a demanding test, IELTS requires a thorough preparation and these tests will help you master exam strategies, polish your techniques and raise your confidence.
- 5 full-length General Training IELTS practice tests with answers
- Listening recordings (downloadable mp3) with transcripts, locations of answers in sentences are underlined.
- Sample speaking test recordings (downloadable mp3) with examiner’s report on every student’s performance and an approximate Band score.
- Reading Answer Help chapter shows why correct answers are the right ones and where they are located in the passages.
- All writing tasks have model answers provided.