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IELTS Speaking Preparation and Practice (kèm CD)

Đơn giá: 58 000 VND
52 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 6 000 VND

The materials in this book are not taken from the IELTS examination. The questions and the topics in the IELTS examination may be quite different from the questions and topics in this textbook.

To the Student

The materials in this book will help you prepare for either the General Training or Academic Modules of the IELTS speaking test and are suitable for self-study or for classroom learning. If you are preparing for the IELTS test individually and without a teacher, you will need

  • The cassette tape that accompanies this book
  • A cassette player and recorder
  • A blank cassette tape to record your own voice

Good luck with your studies!

To the Teacher

In addition to operating as a self-study text, this book is also highly suitable for use with groups of learners. The Teacher’s Notes section provides suggestion as to how to make the activities interactive and learner-centerd, encouraging students to work collaboratively and to engage in communicative activities. The author hopes that this text will ease your workloead and welcome feedback on the materials.