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Succeed in IELTS: 9 Practice Tests (kèm CD)

Đơn giá: 320 000 VND
288 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 32 000 VND
  • 9 complete IELTS Academic Practice Tests that help you familiarise yourself with the format of the exam
  • Full-colour IELTS Academic Exam Guide analysing all four sections of the exam
  • Justifications of the answers
  • Model compositions for both writing tasks
  • Useful tips for all sections
  • The Self-Study Guide includes:

    • Audioscripts and Answer Key
    • Writing Supplement including model compositions and example candidate answers at varying levels, followed by detailed justifications of the marks awarded
    • Justification of the answers for the listening (the answers are underlined in the audioscript) and the reading sections of each practice test