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The best preparation for IELTS Writing
Đơn giá:
258 000 VND
232 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 26 000 VND
232 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 26 000 VND
Learners of English may find the IELTS Writing test very challenging as it is a productive skill. In addition, the two tasks in the test require the candidate to meet not only a wide range of language but also well-organisation of paragraph and essay structure.
Understanding learners’ difficulties, I have tried to work out user-friendly materials to facilitate English learning, especially helping English learners to improve their writing skill more rapidly and effectively.
Our practical step-by-step guide to test practice as well as important skills presented and explained will certainly meet your expectations and bring success to your coming IELTS test.
Young Kim