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LinguaForum TOEFL iBT i-Reading - New Edition

Đơn giá: 152 000 VND
137 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 15 000 VND

LinguaForum TOEFL iBT i-Reading (New Edition) has been designed to help learners prepare for the Reading section of the TOEFL iBT, which was introduced in 2005. Through intensive drills and extensive practice on key testing points provided in this book, you will be able to build up and sharpen your test-taking skills as well as enhance your ability of reading for comprehension. Special features of this book include:


  • A careful analysis of TOEFL iBT Reading test formats and question types. Test formats and question types are explained clearly in simple language to help you understand what is required from different parts of the Reading section.
  • A realistic and effective plan to build up your language mastery and test-taking skills. Practice exercises range from focused basic drills to full-length reading passages to guide you through all Parts A, B and C of the book.
  • Theme-based chapters in Part B to provide you with specific vocabulary in areas related to real test materials. Useful terms are listed in categories together with the Vocabulary Review section to help you acquire new vocabulary in a systematic manner.
  • Mini-tests, iBT Practice sections and two complete Reading tests to familiarize you with actual test format and timing.

LinguaForum TOEFL iBT i-Reading is more than just a TOEFL prep book. While it is primarily intended for those who plan to take the TOEFL iBT, it is also helpful to any English learners who want to improve their reading skills through a carefully designed study plan, starting from relatively short reading passages with simple tasks to longer thematic texts that require advanced techniques and strategies. The book is ideal for both learners in TOEFL prep courses and those who want to follow a self-paced study plan.

Whether you are looking for a prep book to boost up your TOEFL score or a practice book to foster and sharpen reading skills, you can find LinguaForum TOEFL iBT i-Reading an effective tool to achieve your goals.