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100 speaking tests for TOEFL iBT (kèm CD)

Tác giả: Đặng Ngọc Dũng Tiến
Nhà xuất bản Trẻ
Số trang: 262
Đơn giá: 56 000 VND
50 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 6 000 VND

This book has been designated to help learners, especially from Vietnam in particular, and from Asian countries in general to familarize themselves with the speaking section. As I see, speaking is one of the skills which the majority of them are very worried about. It is the reason why I have composed “100 Speaking Tests for TOEFL - iBT”, I believe, used as tips and strategies for the learners to do a good job on speaking section of a real TOEFL - iBT test. This book has discussed 100 topics of 6 types of questions classified into two categories – independent speaking tasks and integrated speaking tasks (refer to the table below if any more). Following is its structure:

- Part 1: Independent tasks containing question 1 and question 2 with 80 topics arranged and developed in 10 chapters (see the table below)

- Part 2: Integrated tasks including question 3, question 4, question 5, and question 6 discussed in 20 topics 

- Tapescripts and 20 sample responses (for topics 81-100)

- Index 1: Transitional terms illustrated with examples to help speakers link their opinions during their presentations

- Index 2: Alphabetically listed words and phrases used in the sample responses with their Vietnamese meanings

- Reference books

I hope that this volume will probably make you more self-confident in presenting your opinions about a particular problem both in a real TOEFL test and in communication.