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Trọn bộ 4 cuốn A Sally Lockhart Mystery Series - Sally Lockhart

Tác giả: Sally Lockhart
Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
Tổng số trang: 1312
Chất liệu: Bìa mềm
Đơn giá: 916 000 VND
870 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 46 000 VND

The Ruby in the Smoke - In 1872, Sally becomes involved in numerous intrigues involving the identity of her father, the British opium trade in India, and a mysterious ruby.

The Shadow in the North - It is 1878. Following a fraudulent medium's ramblings, a Scottish magician's visions, and a transport ship's disappearance, Sally finds that she must seek help from old friends, and finds herself losing all she holds dear trying to uncover the truth behind the North Star, the Steam Gun, and the mysterious businessman Axel Bellmann.

The Tiger in the Well - It is 1881. A trap has been sprung, a trap which has been in preparation for years. The barely human Tzaddik is behind this, and his demons are far greater than anything Sally Lockhart can muster. With the law, the Tzaddik's henchmen, and luck against her, she is forced to go undercover, leaving behind her family and friends as she is sucked into the well...

The Tin Princess - It is 1882. Jim finds Adelaide, a girl who went missing as a poor urchin during Sally's first encounter with danger, and finds that she has married into the royal family of Razkavia, a small country near Germany. However, resentment is rife within the palace, and plots develop to dethrone the family and join Germany. Only the Eagle can stop them.