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Succeed in Cambridge English: Flyers (kèm CD)

Đơn giá: 198 000 VND
178 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 20 000 VND

Succeed in YLE: StartersMoversFlyers

  • 5 complete Practice Tests that help young students become familiar with the format of the exam
  • The Practice Tests books are packaged together with the English for Starters, English for Movers and English for Flyers books which include reading, grammar and vocabulary exercises.
  • Each book of the English for Starters, English for Movers and English for Flyers series consists of: 10 units with Vocabulary and Grammar exercises that help students practise using the language; 15 units on various topics with reading comprehension and FUN vocabulary exercises.
  • Attractive illustrations that motivate young learners and make exam preparation fun.
  • Ideal for preparation for the Cambridge English:
  • Young Learners exams: Starters, Movers & Flyers.
  • Include the Key, Audio scripts and MP3 CD