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New Move Ahead (kèm CD)

Đơn giá: 268 000 VND
241 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 27 000 VND

New Move Ahead is a completely updated listening and speaking course. Aimed at those students who already have a basic grounding in English, the wide-ranging activities are designed to consolidate and expand students’ ability to participate in everyday conversations.

The course includes

  • integrated and comprehensive development of speaking and listening skills
  • emphasis on gaining useful lexical and grammatical knowledge and skills in a meaningful context
  • lively, authentic dialogs and situations employing essential words and expressions
  • intonation and pronunciation activities
  • step-by-step approach to reviewing and consolidation
  • clear and concise grammar explanations in Grammar Clinic section
  • MP3 audio tracks spoken in clear English with natural everyday intonation